Key Features
View Case Information
All users involved in a case can view detailed case information, including the current status, case history, applications, orders, and documents filed. This feature ensures that all parties are consistently informed throughout the lifecycle of the case.
Universal Access: Case details are viewable by all members involved in the case, regardless of whether they have officially joined the case.
Document Access: Users can view all documents related to the case, ensuring that they have access to the most up-to-date information at all times.
Join a Case
A unique code is generated for each case, allowing parties and advocates to join the case.
Advocate Involvement: Advocates can join a case by filing a Vakalatnama. If an advocate is replacing an existing advocate, an additional NOC (No Objection Certificate) is required from the current advocate.
Role of Litigants: All litigants can join a case by providing the unique 6-digit code. Verification of whether the correct party has joined the case is managed by the judge or court staff during the proceedings.
Advocate Replacement: An advocate can replace an existing advocate by filing the necessary documentation without requiring court approval, streamlining the process.
Download Case Information
Users can download the entire case docket in PDF format, with all relevant documents arranged chronologically.
QR Code Access: All documents related to the case, including orders, are downloadable through a QR code, ensuring quick and easy access to case information.
Ideas for Future Development
Document Masking: While currently not available, future versions could introduce the ability to mask certain documents that are confidential and intended only for the judge’s view.
DigiLocker Integration: Future updates could integrate DigiLocker to facilitate the retention of case documents by litigants, providing a secure and accessible way to store legal documents.
Expanded Case Management: Currently, applications and orders on past cases (e.g., Disposed Cases, Referred to ADR, Long Pending Cases) are not available. Future enhancements could include features for managing these case types, providing a more comprehensive case management system.
Last updated