Pre-requisites for the Module
Case File with a unique identifier to exist in the system
Users who require access to the case file are registered in the system.
View a Case
Details of a case are viewable by all members involved in the case.
Join a case
All litigants can join a case by providing a 6 digit code. Verification of whether the right party has joined the case is upto the judge/court staff in the proceedings of a case
An advocate can replace an existing advocate by filing a vakalthnama and an NOC issued by the existing advocate. No approval from court is required for changing the advocate.
All activities in a case will be performed by an advocate or a party in person. Litigants will not be allowed to perform actions in the case
View, Download, and Join a Case
All users should be able to view the details of a case, irrespective of whether they have joined or not
A unique code should be generated for each case that allows parties and advocates to join a case
Users should be able to successfully view details and perform actions on a case post joining
All parties should be able to view who has joined a case and who is pending
As part of the case details, users should be able to view the complaint filed, case history, and the documents filed and generated in the duration of the case
Users should be able to download the case docket in PDF format wherein all the relevant documents are arranged chronologically
An Advocate can join a case by filing a Vakalatnama. In case the Advocate is replacing an existing advocate, an additional NOC will be required from the existing advocate
All documents related to the case, including the orders, will be made downloadable through a QR code
Ideas for Future Development
(The following are currently not available for V1.0)
Document Masking: While currently not available, future versions could introduce the ability to mask certain documents that are confidential and intended only for the judge’s view.
Applications and orders on past cases i.e cases in the status1) Disposed Cases 2) Referred to ADR 3) Long Pending Cases 4) Withdrawn Cases
DigiLocker Integration: Future updates could integrate DigiLocker to facilitate the retention of case documents by litigants, providing a secure and accessible way to store legal documents.
Last updated