Filing a case
There is no requirement to make changes to the e-file once submitted until sent back for error correction/additional details
Users will find it easier to file a case using a web interface. Hence, the file a case functionality is not made available in the mobile app.
It is assumed that there will be one FSO in the pilot court. In the case of multiple FSOs, the FSOs can decide the cases for scrutiny and will not be assigned cases specifically.
E-signing of a case is only done by the person filing the case (complainant/complainant’s advocate). If additional complainants are present in the case, no signing will be required from their end.
File a case
A petitioner or their advocate may file a case
A case may have one or multiple petitioners and one or multiple respondents, depending on the case type.
Features of this module include:
Info Box: Provides a checklist of required documents and the average time taken to file a case. This document list may also be downloaded as a PDF.
Generic Details: These are details to be filled for all case types, categories and sub-categories
Case-Specific Details: These are details that will be specific to the case type, category and sub-category
Pre-Filled Templates: Along with intuitive drop-down menus, supplementary templates in the form of word documents will be available to the petitioners/their advocates to use as a reference to facilitate speedy filing of cases
As part of case details, users will be expected to enter values and upload documents
Each petitioner and respondent may choose to appoint an advocate or represent the case party in person. In case the petitioner or respondent is opting for the party in person, they should have access to all actions that are to be performed by the advocate
The technical process working in the backend to file a case has been detailed here.
Organisation Creation
Users can add organization names using a fuzzy search box.
Matching organization details will be auto-populated.
Case Name Generation
The name of the case will be auto-generated based on the name of the petitioner and respondent.
The case name will follow the format given below:
Primary petitioner name vs primary respondent name.
The first petitioner entered into the system can identify the primary petitioner.
The first respondent entered into the system can identify the primary respondent.
Appointment of advocates
One or multiple advocates may be appointed by a litigant for representation in a case.
Multiple petitioners/respondents may be represented by the same advocate.
In case an advocate is selected by the Litigant, the search will be done using the name and BAR Council ID. Only exact matches will be provided by the system.
The advocates are divided into two categories:
Primary Advocates
Other Advocates
There needs to be a “Vakalathnama” to be uploaded as part of the process to declare the appointment of a “Primary advocate”. Each litigant and advocate will share one pre-existing Vakalathnama.
Only primary advocates can perform actions in a case. Other advocates can only view case details.
E-signing functionality has been provided as part of Case Filing. The user filing the case will be able to e-sign the case. The following methodologies for e-signing a case have been made available:
Aadhar OTP-based verification - The user may enter his/her registered Aadhar ID and confirm his identity by entering the OTP received by him/her on the registered mobile number.
Automated Scrutiny (Constituent element-based validation)
To reduce the effort of the Scrutiny officer, validations will be applied to the form to prevent incorrect entries. The list of validations (constituent element-based validations) is available in the functional specifications. Any violations of these validations will be flagged to the user while filing the case.
Users can choose to file a case despite the presence of constituent element-based validations).
The validations of the fields may differ by case type. For example in NIA 138 cases, only one petitioner is allowed, and hence other petitioners cannot be added. However, in other case types, multiple petitioners may be added to a case.
The FSO will be able to see errors/alerts based on certain rules for a case type. For example, as per law, a case cannot be filed post 6 months of the cheque bounce.
Save as Draft
Users can save the case file as a draft.
Values are retained even if the user logs out and logs in again.
A temporary case ID is generated for drafts.
The technical process for editing a case has been detailed here.
View as PDF (Document Indexing)
Users are currently used to view the Case in PDF format to ensure all details are provided and edit/add details. To ensure the ease of usage of the system, we will provide the ability to view the case file as a document in PDF format alternatively.
The Case file in pdf format will be generated based on the civil and criminal code.
Once the case is submitted, a PDF of the submission formatted as per court rules and requirements and bearing the appropriate signatures and authentications is created as an official / verifiable record of the filing.
The application fee is standardized and defined by the court. The current payment options are:
Make an online payment: With the ability to integrate with the e-treasury services of respective states, online payment to facilitate the e-filing process is possible, enabling the entire process of filing to happen without needing to be physically present at the court.
Pay at the counter in court: Offline payment is enabled for the 'Collector' role in the system. The collector will mark it as completed in the system.
Assisted File Scrutiny
Once the case is submitted by the user, it is forwarded to the file scrutiny officer. The file scrutiny officer can either validate the case or send it back with Feedback. The FSO is assisted by an optical character recognition (OCR) tool, built in to ensure that the correct document is uploaded by keyword matching and critical information matching with the metadata like amount on cheque
Providing Feedback: Through a two-way communication portal, feedback by the FSO can be provided at the field level or section level. They can mark a field as an error and provide comments. The feedback will be shared with the petitioner/petitioner’s advocate for further updates. Notifications and SMS will be sent to notify users of pending tasks.
Updating Case Details: Case details may be updated based on the feedback. Provision of feedback and update of case details can be done an infinite number of times.
When the case is resubmitted after the FSO has sent back the case for correction, the comments added by the FSO during previous scrutiny will be visible so the FSO can easily check if they’ve been corrected
Validate Case: Once the FSO is confident, on the details of the case, he/she may choose to move the case forward to the Judge for Admission.
Case type-wise checklist: A case type-wise checklist will be made available to the File Scrutiny officer to confirm whether a case has been scrutinized based on a certain set of rules. Question types to be supported as part of the checklist include
Yes/No answers
Short answer type
Long answer type
Multiple answers type
Checkbox answer type
Date answer type
Time answer type
If there is more than one judge in the court establishment, the FSO will select which judge the file has to be assigned to.
Case Admission
Once the FSO has validated the case, the case is moved to the Judge. The judge has the following options:
Send back for additional information.
Quick admit without additional information.
Schedule an admission hearing.
Case ID Generation:
Follows the CIS system format.
A unique 6-digit code is generated for the case.
Conduct Admission Hearing:
Conducted as per the process laid out in the Hearings section.
SMS Notifications
Parties should be notified via SMS at various points. A list of SMS at various points is mentioned here.
Case Withdrawal
Users can withdraw the case at any point in time before admission without the Judge's approval.
Ideas for Future Development
E-Signing using a third party software such as emudhra
Refund for case application fee
Availability of indexed case files in PDF format will not be available in a localized language
Automated generation of Video Conferencing link for Admission hearing
SLA-based escalation matrix for scrutiny and admission
Access of Drafted case filed by any user other than the one filing the case file
Mask Fields and Documents: Certain documents are uploaded by Litigant/Advocate that are for the judge's eyes only and need to be masked
Verification that the same advocate cannot be assigned to a litigant and a respondent
While the case file is under scrutiny, the FSO marks certain fields as errors. Enabling advocate to only update fields with errors marked
Case names can be updated during admission by the File scrutiny officer and the judge. Once a case is admitted, it cannot be edited.
Chat between advocate and file scrutiny officer
Police filing a charge sheet
Assignment of cases to FSO
Police filing a case
Multiple petitioners signing a case. This may be required for other case types
Defining SLA for FSO to complete scrutiny or SLA for advocates/litigants to make corrections
Transfer of case across jurisdictions
Suo Moto Cognizance - The Court needs to have the ability to initiate a case against someone on its own accord. An example where this is used - contempt of court.
Advocate appointed by person and the person later wanting to become party in person. In V1, an application can be filed for this and then a change made by the CMO/Court Staff
Download the case file and upload it with your signature for case filing
Other litigants/lawyers added to the same case can view/edit drafts. A log of timestamp-user-edit is maintained by the portal for users to see if they want.
In case multiple petitioners are filing the case, the signature of only the primary petitioner will be taken. To accommodate other case types it would be necessary to be able to handle multiple litigant signatures on a single document. e.g. in a case where several applicants are being represented by a common advocate, and they have all not given a POA in favour of a single person, they may all file a single pleading collectively but each person would be signing it individually.
Functional Specifications
Case Category
Boolean (Civil/Criminal)
If Civil is selected, give an error message with the following " Civil Cases are not supported, please use the XXXX link to continue filing)
Case Type
Boolean (Original/Appellate)
If Appeal is selected, give an error message with the following " Appeal Cases are not supported, please use the XXXX link to continue filing)
If anything other than IPC is selected, give an error message with the following " Statute Cases are not supported, please use the XXXX link to continue filing)
If anything other IPC is selected, give an error message with the following " Statute Cases are not supported, please use the XXXX link to continue filing)
Filing Number
System Generated
Temp number to identify casee before case is admitted
CNR Number
System Generated
Final number to identify case after case is admitted
System Generated
Tenant ID
System Generated
Court ID
System Generated
Bench ID
Based on Judge/Bench Assigned
Judge ID
Based on Judge/Bench Assigned
Filing No.
System Generated
Filing Date
System Generated
Case Description
Case Name
System Generated, with Ability for FSO to edit
Last updated