Orders & Tasks
Every hearing usually ends in an order where there are next steps to be pursued. We have created the Orders and Tasks module to facilitate this activity.
On end of hearing, the Judge has the option to create orders based out of pre-defined templates (issue summons, issue warrants, allow bail, order next hearing) or create one of their own. With the use of templates, several key aspects of the case will be pre-filled. These orders will be e-signed and a verified copy will be made accessible to all parties.
Hearings may also result in actions that parties (or court staff) need to take - like providing addresses for summons, completing some payments, or getting some information from some system, or filing some applications.
Tasks will be created from orders, applicable to all users.
This will ensure that on the next hearing, the judge and litigants will have a clear sense of the expectation to be met before the hearing, and can track progress.
A judgement is a type of order in the system that is issued to end the case. There are various types of judgments based on the case outcomes (acquittals, convictions, settlements, withdrawals)
Verified copies of judgements will be made available to all parties.
Key Users
Bench Clerk
Last updated