Key Features
Configure Channels
Summons: Can be issued via SMS, Email, Post, Police, etc., configured at the tenant level.
Warrants: Issued primarily through the police. Channels for warrants configured at the tenant level, with the police auto-selected if only one channel is updated.
Delivery Time: Define a minimum number of days for delivery per channel.
Summons Management
Lifecycle Management
Overall Duration: Summons lifecycle set at 45 days (configurable) from the date of issuance.
Issuance Points: Can be triggered at any stage of the case lifecycle.
Issuance Process
Order Issuance: Judge issues an order for summons to a party.
Unique Combinations: Each summons is a unique combination of one recipient, one address, and one channel.
Order Details: Includes the party who needs to appear in court, selected channels, and address.
Multiple Recipients: Separate orders needed for each recipient.
Payment and Signing
Pending Tasks: Payment task triggered for petitioner’s advocate, and a signing task for the court clerk.
Completion: Summons sent out once payment is completed and document is signed.
Non-Delivery Handling
Notifications and Tasks: Non-delivery status triggers a notification and pending task for the judge to reissue summons, issue a warrant, or take no action.
Monitoring: Summons delivery monitored over the 45-day cycle.
Payment for Summons
Fees: Standard court fees and channel-specific fees may apply.
Payment Methods: Counter payments or online payments (via integrations).
Validity: Payments invalid if the delivery time exceeds the remaining summon lifecycle days.
Notice Management
Judge Action: Judge drafts and issues a notice.
Manual Process: Court staff sends out notices and monitors status manually.
Workflow for Warrants
Lifecycle Management
Overall Duration: Warrant lifecycle set at 45 days (configurable).
Issuance Points: Can be triggered at any stage of the case lifecycle.
Issuance Process
Order Issuance: Judge issues an order for a warrant.
No Payment Required: Current process does not require payment for warrants.
Pending Tasks: Signing task triggered to the CMO upon issuance.
Non-Delivery Handling
Notifications and Tasks: Non-delivery status triggers a pending task for the judge to reissue the warrant or take no action.
Responding to Digital Summons
Link Registration
Action: Respondent clicks on the link in the summons to register and join the case.
Acknowledgement: Respondent or advocate acknowledges receipt of the summons.
Tracking Delivery Status
Portal Availability
Tracking: Status of summons/warrant/notice delivery tracked via a portal.
Manual Updates: For non-integrated channels, statuses are manually updated.
Features: Tracks hearing adjournments, litigant attendance, and reasons for absences or extensions. Accessible by judges through their login portal.
Bail Management
Application Process
Filing: Advocate or Party in Person (PiP) files a bail application.
Judge Review: Judge reviews and either grants or rejects the application.
Order Issuance
Order Generation: If granted, an order for bail is generated.
No Further Action: For surety bond or bail bond types, no further action is required.
Verifiable Credentials for Summon and Warrant Documents
Verifiable Credentials serve as a robust “instrument of trust”. They are digital and cryptographically secured versions of both paper based and digital credentials that can be presented across the ecosystem as a proof. They allow you to instantly verify the authenticity of any credential presented to you.
QR Code: Each document contains a unique QR code.
Portal Access: Scanning redirects to a portal to verify document authenticity.
Last updated