User Benefits
Designed to benefit litigants:
Access from anywhere: You can access the court from anywhere, 24*7. Respond to summons, submit documents, request to reschedule hearings, and appear for hearings from where you are.
Information on Finger-tips: You will be able to login to the court system, and have a full and complete view of your case. You will receive proactive alerts and notifications on case updates and action to be taken such as documents to be filed, payments to be made. Receive verifiable copies of all your documents: applications, orders and judgements.
Reduced friction: You will save time and effort on procedural matters such as adjournments, making payments, receiving copies of applications, orders and judgments. Your hearings will be more predictable and certain.
Predictable Schedule: With the smart calendaring system, you can have greater predictability and visibility into your hearings. Virtually attend hearings and submit relevant documents and coordinate your schedule.
Intuitive processes: Use the guidance from the digital system to reduce errors, make better applications and take timely action throughout the life-cycle of a case. Pay court fees and receive the certified true copies of your orders virtually.
No duplication: Easily edit the digital case files to correct any errors. There is no need to submit or maintain a physical copy of the digital file.
Optimise judicial time: You can optimise your judicial time through segregation of judicial and administrative functions. Through smart scheduling calendars, assistive templates and technology such as voice to text for easy transcription.
Data to assist Decision Making: Interactive dashboards with case level information to make considered decisions.
Easy Access to Case files: Access to files and documents submitted to know what to expect in each hearing and prepare accordingly.
Court Staff
Reduced manual burden: A natively digital system ensures no need for manual data entry. Rule-based case specific e-filing system minimises manual scrutiny efforts.
Assistive Tools: You can use transcription tools for easy drafting of orders. Assisted scrutiny has the potential to leverage OCR, better image processing tools in the future.
Court System
Improve Reform and Policy: System level metrics of court performance to continuously improve the experience of all.
Improved Access: As a researcher, entrepreneur, changemaker, you will have access to data, business, and people to meet the diverse needs in taking courts to people.
Last updated