CNR Number
Case Number Record
Last updated
Case Number Record
Last updated
After a case has been admitted for trial i.e. it has been accepted during an Admission hearing or has been directly approved to get into trial, it is assigned a CNR Number and the date is marked as the registration date. This CNR number is aligned with the number format used by the Case Information System (CIS) managed by the National Informatics Center (NIC).
A case rejected at time of admission hearing, i.e. doesn't goes to trail, will not have a CNR number.
It has the following format and the table below also shows different examples.
The number is unique to a court establishment within a district within a state.
DIGIT's ID Generation Service will be used to help generate this number. The format for filing number will be as below
This service will be enhanced to pull data from multiple masters to create the CNR number.
The 6-digit case filing number part of the CNR Number is reset to start with 1, every calendar year. The first case logged at an establishment on 1st January will start with 1. For example, for Punjab, District Jalandhar and District and Sessions Court Establishment, this will be
CNR number uses the following masters
State master to get STATE_ID
District master to get DISTRICT_ID
Establishment master to get ESTABLISHMENT_ID
ID Gen master table to get CNR_SQUENCENUMBER