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A case is the primary entity on the DRISTI platform, central to all other activities. At its core, a case revolves around the dispute: the involved parties (complainant and respondent), their advocates, the judge, and the registration location. Cases in India are either civil or criminal and adhere to various statutes, acts, sections, and sub
A typical case life cycle has three stages - pre-trial, trial and post-trial. Each of these stages has further sub-stages. Refer to the following figure.
The Case registry and service allow for the creation, update and search of the various cases as part of a dispute or independently in judicial operations. The registry serves as a central database where all cases within the platform are stored and managed. This registry serves as a single source of truth, maintaining detailed records of each case, including its metadata, configuration, and status.
Potential uses of this service include:
E-Filing Service Integration: A startup wants to provide an e-filing system to lawyers and advocates. A direct integration to DRISTI will allow for direct filing within the appropriate court system. The API ensures that the documents are correctly routed and that the status of the filing is immediately updated within the e-filing system.
Real-Time Case Status Updates for Clients: Legal professionals need to keep their clients informed about the status of their cases. By integrating with the Case Registry API, a legal firm's case management system can automatically pull real-time status updates for all active cases. These updates can be relayed to clients via automated notifications, ensuring that clients are always informed about the latest developments in their cases.
Research and Monitoring: A legal research organisation or academic institution is conducting research on judicial processes, case outcomes, and trends over time. They need to monitor active and closed cases to analyse various aspects of the legal system, such as the efficiency of case resolutions, the impact of legal precedents, or the frequency of certain types of cases. The research organisation integrates with the Case Registry and Services API to access a wide range of case data, including case types, timelines, outcomes, and associated documents. By utilizing the API, the organisation can monitor ongoing cases in real time, track the progress of cases of interest, and analyze historical case data
Data Analytics and Reporting for Judicial Processes: A judicial analytics service provider wants to analyse case trends, outcomes, and durations across the court system. The analytics service integrates with the Case Registry to pull comprehensive data on cases, including their types, durations, outcomes, and other relevant metrics. This data can be used to generate reports, identify patterns, and provide insights into the efficiency of the judicial process. The API’s ability to provide detailed and up-to-date case information is crucial for conducting accurate and meaningful analyses.
Create Case (/case/v1/_create): Creates a new case with details like tenant ID, case category, title, description, and filing number.
Update Case (/case/v1/_update): Updates an existing case’s information, requiring details like tenant ID, case ID, and other updated case attributes.
Search Cases (/case/v1/_search): Allows searching for cases based on criteria such as tenant ID, case ID, status, and filing date.
Verify Case (/case/v1/_verify): Verifies the legitimacy of a case based on its ID and status.
Check Case Existence (/case/v1/exists): Checks whether a specific case exists using its ID.
Add Witness (/case/v1/_addWitness): Adds a witness to a specific case, requiring the case ID and witness details.
Update Witness (/case/v1/_updateWitness): Updates the details of an existing witness in a case.
Search Witnesses (/case/v1/_searchWitness): Searches for witnesses in a case based on the case ID and optionally by witness name.
When a new case is created including drafts.
Full case payload with mandatory fields. Refer to API spec (create API).
When case fields are updated.
Full case payload with mandatory fields. Refer to API spec (update API).
When workflow state changes
When a litigant (respondent) joins a case
When an advocate or representative joins the case
Default case workflow
For the business process workflow and other details, refer here.
Below is a visualisation of the default workflow.